Industrial heated hoses are the essential component needed to transfer hotmelt adhesive to your application.
All hot melt systems must transfer hot glue (EVA, PSA, PUR, Polyefin etc.) after melting it in a tank or barrel.
Sometimes you can use the melted glue with an automatic gun or you can coat the surface with a slot head.
In hot melt applications, heated hoses perform this transfer process.
Heated Hoses
Types & Options
Heated Hoses
with Double Corset
This type of heated hoses is generally used in Slot Die systems connected to Tank or Drum Melters. While the heated hose gets its power from a single corset, slot die also will get its power from corset.
Heated Hoses with
Single Corset and Single Socket
This type of heated hoses is generally used in automatic gun systems connected to Tank or Drum Melters. While the heated hose gets its power from a single corset, the automatic gun will get its power from the socket.
Heated Hoses
with Single Corset
Generally used for with manual/hand gun in Tank Melter systems. While the heated hose gets its power from a single corset, manual / hand gun doesn’t require an electrical feeder.